What is the difference between Hybrid O.R., Integrated O.R., Digital O.R?

What is a hybrid operating room?

Hybrid operating room requirements are usually based around imaging, like CT, MR, C-arm or other types of imaging, being brought into surgery. Bringing imaging into or adjacent to the surgical space means that the patient doesn’t have to be moved during surgery, reducing risk and inconvenience. Depending on the design of operating rooms in hospitals as well as their resources and needs, fixed or mobile hybrid operating rooms may be built. One-room fixed O.R.s offer maximum integration with a high-end MR scanner, allowing the patient to stay in the room, still anesthetized, during the scan. In two or three room configurations, the patient must be transported to an adjacent room for scanning, increasing the risk of inaccuracy through possible movement of the reference system. In O.R.s with mobile systems, the patient remains and the imaging system is brought to them. Mobile configurations offer different advantages, such as the flexibility to use imaging in multiple operating rooms, as well as generally lower costs, but may not provide the higher image quality a fixed imaging system could offer.

One further understanding of hybrid O.R.s is that they are multi-purpose rooms that are fitted to serve different surgical disciplines. With more and more complex procedures taking place, intraoperative imaging is certainly the future of surgery. Hybrid O.R.s generally focus on minimally invasive and vascular surgery. They are often shared by different surgical departments, such as vascular and spine.

Hybrid operating room benefits include scans of the affected part of the body being forwarded and available for review and use immediately in the operating room. This allows the surgeon to continue operating, for example, in a high risk area like the brain with the most up-to-date data.

What is an integrated operating room?

Integrated operating rooms were introduced in the late 90s as video routing systems capable of distributing video signals from one camera to multiple outputs or products became available. Over time, they evolved to be able to functionally connect the O.R. environment. Patient information, audio, video, surgical and room lights, building automation, and specialized equipment, including imaging devices, could all communicate with one another.

In some setups, when connected, all of these various aspects can be commanded from a central console by one operator. Integrated O.R. is sometimes installed as a functional addition to an operating room to integrate the control of several devices from a single console and offer the operator more centralized access for device control.

What is a digital operating room?

In the past, a lightbox on the wall was used to display patient scans. A digital O.R. is a setup in which software sources, images and operating room video integration is made possible. All this data is then connected to and displayed on a single device. This goes beyond simple control of devices and software, allowing also for the enrichment of medical data within the operating room.

A digital O.R. setup therefore functions as a central hub for clinical image data inside the operating room and for recording, collecting and forwarding data to the Hospital IT system, where is it centrally stored. The surgeon can control the data inside the O.R. from specified displays according to their desired setup and also has the possibility to display the images from many different devices.

Post time: Dec-30-2022